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(Sat - Thursday)
AL Nahda -1, United Arab Emirates
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Bachelor's Preparatory Programme

Every year, a large number of students from all over the world are pursuing their higher education.

The BBP course is one of the most popular courses offered at the university level. It provides students with a broad background in business management as well as real-world experience. Students learn how to apply their knowledge when they take on a project or task.

What does BBP course provides?

The BBP course offered by Wisdom Education is designed to prepare students for entry-level positions in various industries such as manufacturing, retail, banking and finance. It also prepares them for future careers in this field by providing them with valuable hands-on experience that they can use on the job or after graduation.

Students who wish to pursue a career in business management should consider taking this course because it will help them develop skills that will help them be successful in whatever career path they choose after graduation.

Why should you pursue Bachelor's Preparatory Programme Course?

The Bachelor's Preparatory Programme (BP) is part of the pre-university programme for students who want to enrol in a bachelor's degree course at any university or college in the country. Students who are not ready to start their first year can choose from among a wide range of subjects that suit their interests and academic abilities. Students who want to enter the first year of their bachelor's degree can take up BP courses as an alternative option. The BP course provides a broad foundation in all aspects of education, helping students develop skills that are required for entry into higher studies at various levels.

The BBP course helps you develop your academic skills and knowledge base by providing an opportunity for accelerated learning in areas such as English language, Mathematics, Science and Technical Drawing which will enable you to succeed in your degree studies at your chosen university or college. The BBP course offers flexibility so that you can choose which subjects interest you most, allowing you to tailor your pathway according to your unique needs and interests.


  • 12th Floor - Suit 1209, MAI - Tower, AL Nahda -1 , Near to Stadium Metro Station Dubai, P.O.Box : 117055, United Arab Emirates
  • +97 15 58 481 464
  • info@wisdomsedu.com



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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)