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Wisdom EducationWisdom EducationWisdom Education
(Sat - Thursday)
AL Nahda -1, United Arab Emirates
Wisdom EducationWisdom EducationWisdom Education


Undergraduate Programme

The undergraduate programme is designed for students who have completed their secondary education and wish to pursue a degree course. In addition, it is also suitable for those intending to take up professional courses as well as those who wish to undertake further studies.

The programme has been designed with an eye on the needs of business and industry. The curriculum is designed in such a manner that it caters to the needs of industry and ensures that the students are equipped with skills required by them in their professional careers.

Curriculum of Undergraduate Programme

The curriculum is designed to provide you with the foundation knowledge, skills and confidence you will need to become a highly effective teacher in a school environment. You will also gain an understanding of the processes involved in teaching.

The curriculum focuses on developing your abilities as a student teacher and equipping you with the knowledge and skills necessary for success in this career.

Understanding quality teaching practices
Developing your ability to use technology effectively
Applying critical thinking skills
Learning about effective classroom management strategies
Understanding effective communication strategies
Developing more effective ways of working with others

The Undergraduate Programme at Wisdom Education is designed to give you a firm foundation in the principles of marketing, business and management. You will enhance your knowledge of these subjects through a wide range of modules.

Why to choose Wisdom Education for Undergraduate programme?

The undergraduate programme at Wisdom Education aims to provide the highest standard of education in a global environment. The programme is designed to provide students with an understanding of the world’s history, culture and politics, as well as the key areas of science, technology and innovation.

The programme also provides students with opportunities for further study at postgraduate level in related fields.

Students are encouraged to develop their own interests and ideas, as well as being able to apply these to work in a wide range of sectors.


  • 12th Floor - Suit 1209, MAI - Tower, AL Nahda -1 , Near to Stadium Metro Station Dubai, P.O.Box : 117055, United Arab Emirates
  • +97 15 58 481 464
  • info@wisdomsedu.com

UG Programs











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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)